Snowdonia and Dublin Marathons October 2023

Snowdonia Marathon & Junior Race
Michael Eccles ran 2.55.41. was 2nd V40+ and 25th Overall.
After chatting to Michael, it appears this race wasn’t for him and he did find it tougher than expected.  He said the hills were nothing like he has ever run before and the down hills were just as taxing. He couldn’t get into any kind rhythm and as he runs on his toes his legs were screaming towards the end. But whatever he says to finish in under 3 hours is a great result
Billy Eccles, running the under 16 4k junior distance, was interviewed before the race as they didn’t recognise his vest and were interested to know where he came from and as he crossed the line in first place his name and club were announced over the PA which was a big plus!!

Dublin Marathon
Jack Noble, running his first marathon, had a great run to finish in a diamond standard time of 2.42.40. Which is an average pace of 6.13. This is a brilliant run, especially for an ex 400m runner !!
Well done Jack. Superb.