Saucony English Cross Country Relays 2019

Our four lads acquited themselves really well on what was one of the wettest, muddiest courses I’ve ever seen and, being the last race of the day, was truly churned up. We finished in an excellent 51st position overall which is a big improvement on our first BVH outing in 2017 when we came 72nd.

Michael Eccles, on the first leg, was in a real race situation right from the start and although he had a disagreement with a tree on the way round ran 17.47. (52nd overall)

Our evergreen, Scott Walford, on the second leg, kept up the good work and running hard picked up four places to finish in 18.37. (48th overall)

Simon Partridge, who has just been introduced or should I say “encouraged” into the cross country scene, and actually admitted to enjoying it ran 21.21. (62nd overall)

Ryan Davidson, on the final leg, and probably the worst leg due to the previous heavy footfall had a great run  picking up 11 places to bring us back to more or less where we started in 51st position in 18.45.