Montane Dragon’s Back Race

The Montane Dragon’s Back Race route is inspired by that of the 1992 race, in which the inaugural Dragons tackled Wales’ uniquely wild, trackless, and remote mountainous terrain.

Today, it is considered to be the toughest mountain race in the world. Participants underestimate it at their peril! Be under no illusion, this is not a ‘trail race’.

It is run over 6 days and covers 380km.

Day 1 49k 3800m
Day 2 59k 3400m
Day 3 70k 3400m
Day 5 70k 3200m
Day 6 62k 1300m

Henry Gurney had an outstanding race to finish 27th overall and 3rd V 40 in a time if 71hours 15 mins and 25 seconds.