3000m 12th September 2020
Callum Bowen-jones 8.46.2 Club Record
Michael Eccles 9.21.2
Bhaskar Kumar 10.34.
800m 18th September 2020
Callum Bowen-jones smashed the club record to run 1.58.7 breaking the 2 min barrier for the first time.
Michael Eccles 2.09.03
Simon Bales 2.15.00
Bhaskar Kumar 2.21.3
Billy Eccles 2.40.7
1500m 26th September
Callum Bowen-jones 1st 4:09:5 Club Record
Michael Eccles 3rd 4:20:1
Jack Noble 8th 4:28:4
Simon Partridge 4th 4:40:0
Matt Stone 1st 4:57:7
Paul Ward 3rd 4:59.3
Billy Eccles 3rd 5:34:0
Matthew Crane 4th 5:34:7