Worstead 5 mile race – July 2024

Friday 26th July Worstead Festival…last night wasn’t all about winning or running personal best time but it was about the camaraderie of our great little club. Both Charlotte Harris Cook and Eleanor Chapman stopped their race to help Frannylou (Fran Cooke), who was feeling very dizzy and disorientated, to the finish line. We are really proud of you both.
It might make you feel better to know that as the race was mixed terrain it won’t count as a pb on Power of 10 only as a course best time for BVH.
We had 16 members running this one with the following results:

Carl White running his first 5 mile race was first V45 in 28.16.
Thomas Abbs running Worstead for the first time ran 28.30.
Amy Beck was 3rd lady in 30.30.
Lee Quibell in his first Worstead run finished in 33.42.
Joanne Watkins getting back gradually ran 33.52.
Al Ross ran a course pb by well over a minute in 34.06.
Mark Crookes found the going tough and struggled with the heat running 36.56.
Amy Balaam in her first time at Worstead ran 37.35.
Then came our three ladies…Charlotte, Fran and Eleanor in 38.32.
Sam Smith running his first 5 mile race finished in 39.42.
Scott Chapman ran a course best time of 39.59 ( that was a close call)!
Beth King first time at Worstead too ran 40.42.
Simon Snell, another first timer ran 41.45.
Simon Alcock ran a course best time of 43.36.

Well done all.