Run Norwich 2024

We had 30 members running, with some, hopefully, leaving a bit in the tank for the Round Norfolk Relay next weekend and others coming back from injury. The majority enjoyed the run even-though the going was a bit tough.
The Girls.
Leanne Willow Finch 4th lady overall 36.51
Joanne Watkins 42.47
Harly Moon In her first 10k for the club ran a silver standard 44.47
Steph Laurence 44.55
Eleanor Chapman 45.19
Charlotte Harris Cook ran the only pb of the day with a gold standard 46.27
Steph Ellis 52.49
Beth King 54.59
Leanne Botwright 57.44
Poppy Balaam in her first 10k, 1.04.08
Mum Amy Balaam running with Poppy, 1.04.09
Krysia Smith First 10k as a 45-49, 1.04.54
Sally Porter 1.11.23

The Boys
Michael Eccles 2nd V40 34.28
Billy Eccles in his first 10k, a diamond standard 35.00
Thomas Abbs 37.07
Simon Bales 38.46
Lee Quibell First 10k race as a 45-49, a gold standard 41.52
Steven Elvin 41.52
Al Ross 44.20
Mark Crookes 44.29
Alistair Robinson 46.41
Sam Smith 51.35
Scott Chapman 53.23
Martin Colley 54.05
Dean Hawkins First 10k race as a 40-44, 58.07
Phil Harris Cook In his first 10k, 1.04.09
Jonathan Foot 1.06.09
Simon Snell First 10k for BVH,1.07.44
Geoff Porter his first 10k as a 65+ 1.37.40
Well done all. It was tough our there today.