Dereham 10 miler – May 2024

Well what a hot one it turned out to be and no one was really prepared for it. When you think that two weeks ago we were in the pouring rain watching the Norfolk Marathon, the conditions today were miles apart. There were a lot of casualties on the course and at the finish. The first aiders had their work cut out today and they did a sterling job.

Results as follows:-
Carl White, who seems to enjoy running in the sun, finished 9th overall and was 2nd V40 in a diamond standard pb time of 59.38.
Jack Noble, running his first race since his 2.40 marathon and on very little training did suffer in the heat but still ran 1.03.00.
Stephen Lee, in his first 10 miler for BVH, and after racing the night before at the Ipswich 5k ran a gold standard 1.08.21.
Steven Elvin also running his first 10 mile race for BVH picked up the 3rd V60 trophy running a platinum standard time of 1.08.47.
Shaun Hurr, another one running his first 10 mile race for BVH and after quite a few problems and niggles had a strong run to finish in a silver standard 1.16.06. This will, hopefully, give him the confidence to race more.
Amy Balaam was the first of our ladies in although not really enjoying the conditions but she still ran a great time of 1.19.01.
Cee Cook running her first 10 mile race and considering the conditions ran an excellent silver standard time of 1.22.30. This is the first time I’ve not seen a smile on her face at the end!
Beth King in her first race since the Manchester Marathon and, like the others, struggled with the heat but still managed to finish in a 1.30.23 and unusually without a smile on her face.
Simon Alcock after all his marathon training was hoping to have a strong run but unfortunately had a bad asthma attack during the race which slowed him down dramatically but he did dig in to finish in 1.48.58.

Well done all.