Run Norwich 10k 7th August 2016

22 members set off and thank goodness 22 finished as there were quite a few casualties lying on the roadside along the way and that was before they had drunk the free beer at the end!! I did wonder if Sam Coyne (39.16) had sampled it first as he did leave his breakfast on the side of the road!!
We had one prize winner, two pb’s and two first timers.
Scott Walford (36.03) had a great run to finish 10th overall and 1st vet 45 which earned him a well deserved £75.00 prize.
Sarah Stubbs (46.10) and Brenda Hutcheon (1.01.17) were third in their age categories.
The pb’s were achieved by Sally (1.02.11) and Geoff Porter (1.04.11). The first timers were father and daughter Andy (1.07.15) and Sarah Bird (59.09).
Everyone ran well on the hard course and in the heat so you should all give yourselves a pat on the back.
Matthew Crane 43.09, John Dungar 43.36, Martin Adcock 44.36, Paul Rogers46.10, Martin Hewetson 46.19, Arron Coe 46.46, Ian Cleminson 52.11, Emma Fox 52.15, Karyn Bray 53.31, Jonathan Foot 54.03, Leanne Shanks 55.05, Karen Wraighte 59.56, Dave Hutcheon 1.02.03
Emma Cattermull 1.05.22
It was good to see John Dungar, Martin Hewetson and Ian Cleminson back running.

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